Ice sports


The goal of this programme is to learn the basics of skating and/or ice games in a fun and inspiring way.


7-9 years old: By using a traffic theme, students will learn with the instructor about the basics of skating and the basic traffic rules (by using movable traffic signs) in a funny way.

10-16 years old and above: Students will perform different skating practices and play ice games with the help of the instructor.


The programme takes place in the ice hall. Own skates are recommended (Piispala has a small stock of skates for borrowing). For camp schools, this programme has a separate facility/equipment fee.

Groups: price starts from 220€/hour, including the private use of ice rink.

5–25 persons
Group size: 5–25 persons
1–1,5 h
Duration: 1–1,5 h
Year round
Ice sports